Speech/Language Pathology (SLP) is a health profession providing services to persons who have disruptions in the areas of speech, 语言, 认知, 听力和/或吞咽. 这些中断可能是发育性的,也可能是由于创伤性事件,如脑损伤, 中风, 头部和颈部癌症, 神经系统疾病, 或者功能性病因学.
社会福利署的宗旨是提供包括预防在内的一系列服务, 识别, 诊断, 咨询和治疗. 为了提供高质量的护理, the SLP maintains current licensure with the Nebraska State Department of Health and certification with the American Speech Language and Hearing Association.
服务 are provided through physician referral to infants through geriatrics in the following settings: hospital inpatients, 摇摆床病人, 门诊病人和承包机构如护理机构和其他医院.
Modified Barium Swallow Studies are completed in conjunction with the Medical Imaging Department.